New Year's Resolutions:
(I have no idea if I really have 13, but here goes nothing....)
13. Wake up in time to really get a good breakfast on the table. Cold cereal is so 2006!
12. Have The Boys bags for the day packed and ready to roll the night before- I hear this is a great time saver! I need to practice this.
11. Learn true time management- not just hopping from something to something. I would really like the calm that comes with having it all pulled together before the shit hits the fan and I get stuck in traffic staring at a bus on fire listening to a 4 year old screaming, "Your butts on fire!~"
10. Straighten my hair at least once a week. I love how this really gets Hubba Hubba excited. Man, that sounds so sad. I think he likes a different look every now and then. HHHHHHMMMMMMMM.....Maybe that takes me to
9. Role playing....but it's a family blog so I won't go there. and so back to the regularly scheduled family.....
8. Find some new and exciting incentive to get The Boys to brush twice a day. I need them to understand that once a day doesn't really cut it.
7. Find a new favorite song that really makes me move when I am being all crabby. Any suggestions, oh Internet? My taste are varied and I really need to expand my horizons beyond just what is on the radio.
6. Buy real furniture and really organize my office. I plan on pulling some Feng Shui into the mix. Hopefully this will help with...
5. Enjoying my job. Whether it's with my current employer or a new challenge, I really want to appreciate what I have to do for 40 hours a week.
4. Not to listen to so much sports radio. I don't really need to know Dan Patrick's opinion on the whole Nick Saban mess. I mean really, does it add to my life any?
3. Show my appreciation to Hubba Hubba a little more. He knows he's special to me, but do I really show him everyday? Okay, well maybe not everyday- that would irritate the hell out of him- but perhaps just a bit more than I currently do. (Funny side note: I did a quick search to make sure I spelled irritate right and John Cleese's name came up at the top of the Yahoo page under definitions. Hubba Hubba would appreciate that.:))
2. Suck up whatever the hell is wrong with me and is causing this funny funk that I have found myself in for the last few months. Exercise much, missy? This would greatly help my attitude toward life in general. oh and a hot bath, that would be cool every now and then, too.
1. Show my love to all 3 of my boys this year in the small rituals and big excursions. I want them to know that I love this life I have and wouldn't trade it in for anything. Even new boobs and a slimmer ass.