okay, so since I started blogging and putting it all there I have found myself at random times in the day thinking of how I would present something to the Internet. I want this to be a kind of record for The Boys. I'm not sure when this will come in handy, but the theory is a work in progress so go with me here. I figure that as I learn things then I can blog it and then they will know the thought process behind it.
For example, Sweet Center is really struggling in school. He's having a hard time staying quiet and keeping on task. Well, helloo! He is my son, so I guess that explains some of it, but really I'm getting a bit tired of the daily updates that he just isn't doing the right thing at the right time. We finally had to intiate the whole 'raise-your-hand-when-you-want-to-talk-so-your-teacher-can-tell-you-if-it's-okay-to-do-so-at-this-particular-time' practice. Again, another work in progress. The poor kid has been moved twice now and he still can't seem to keep it together. Hubba Hubba and I do the hand raising thing during reading time at the end of the day, otherwise we wouldn't get anything read. We'll see if this works over the next couple of days. He has a very sweet teacher who is keeping us updated on his progress, so the instant feedback is nice. But, man oh man, I would so love a day without a phone call.
okay, Sweet Center? We aren't doing this to be meanies. We aren't out to make life unfun. We really love you and want you get the most out of school. (After all, we pay out the wazoo for the mortgage so you are in a good school district). I know it's super hard to foucs sometimes, but really is it worth having to talk about all your talking?
Anyway, back to your regularaly scheduled programming. Cute story, Sir Toots has started talking about himself and Sweet Center as "The Boys". He will say, 'The Boys want to watch cartoons'. Evidently they have now become third person. And yes, I have started saving for their future therapy. Why do you ask?
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