Sunday, September 24, 2006

We're dogsitting for my mother....

Me: Pepper! Jack! Pepper! Get back here, you two!
Hubba Hubba: Man, we've got cheese for dogs. That's funny.


Shell Bell said...

Ummm, Pepper Jack.. Better than Jack Oscar !!! LOL... Wait, he's coming to my house soon :) Poor Oscar...

Anonymous said...

Hah, hah to both of you! I got the dog because you both said you didn't mind watching him...and I know you don't...thanks for doing it for me. I love having Jack around when I am home. He has been alot of company for me!

mrsderusha said...

yes, well he is cute. That's his one saving grace when he stands at the back door and barks and barks and barks......