Monday, October 30, 2006

Plain Regular Mom

So, tomorrow is Halloween. We have our costumes and we're ready to go. All of us that is except for Hubba Hubba. For some reason he's not up into the whole putting on a costume thing. I think it has something to do with the fact that he has to wear a tie to work everyday. Perhaps that feels like dressing up to him and that's enough! I won't push, I understand. My boss had the audacity to suggest that we, as sales reps, should dress up when we call on our accounts. UUHHMMM, no thanks. For my children I will put on the buns that Sweet Center says make me look like the school lunch lady so that I can achieve the appropriate Princess Leia look, but for work, not so much.

I did ask The Boys what I could wear, if I was going to dress up for work. Sweet Center suggested "Plain ole' Regular Mom". What!?! I shouted? Plain ole' regular mom! I tried not to sound insulted at this commom view of all that women do to make a happy home but I must not have succeeded because Sir Toots piped up and reassured me that I'm not OLD. Just Plain Regular Mom.


Diana said...

Aw, but there is nothing wrong with being "plain ole' regular mom" has a nice sound to it actually...I was one once. And I think I still am just "plain old (and now I am old!) regular Mom"...
Love you

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