This is a list of 13 things that I have been thinking about. I'm going to try and make it a regular Thursday thing. No promises, though. I have underwear to clean and papers that need to be written, so it may be sporadic. I like the idea though. On with the show:
13 Things I adore:
13) The sound of Peppers tags as he rattles his hair back into place after playing with The Boys.
12) Toilet paper in ALL the bathrooms (yes, at the same time!)
11) Pumpkins and goblins with a chill in the air (I miss the changing leaves)
10) The smell of a fresh meal when I walk in the door.
9) The smell of a freshly cleaned house when I walk in the door.
8) Little boy feet when they are all soft and fresh out of a pair of socks.
7) Rooting on the sidelines for The Boys at either soccer or basketball as they score a goal or drive through the lane (god help us, football is coming next year)
6) The feel of Hubba Hubba's hairy feet as they search out my legs in bed at night. (he's a toucher and I like it)
5) A clean board for Scrabble. The possibilities are endless at that point.
4) A good football game on Sunday afternoon and there's nothing else to do.
3) Dinner with children running up and down the stairs when actual adult conversation is going on in the kitchen.
2) The wonderful feeling of sliding into freshly laundered sheets in my bed.
1) The Boys laughter.
I would also adore it if you would feel free to add and item or two (or, hell, go for all 13!) of your own. That's the nice thing about these kinds of lists, they inspire others to think of magical moments in their own lives. For all 3 of you readers that I have for this blog, it would be a nice way to share.
Okay, I'm not as good at this as you are, but here is what I am thinking.
1) Reading this blog and seeing the Boys as I know them. I can picture Sweet Center smiling with his hand in yours and Sir Toots sleeping soundly with not a care in the world.
2) Sitting in my QUIET living room watching Grey's Anatomy
3) Watching Jack lay under the coffee table in the QUIET living room
4) Getting my luggage in less then 20 minutes at the airport
5) Coming home after being out of town to a clean house (thanks to the housekeeper!)
6) Watching whatever game my grandchildren are playing that I can manage to make it to this weekend
7) Lying my bed in the morning not quite awake, and yet not asleep
8) The feeling I get after a good hard work out (obviously, I don't do this often enough)
9) The feeling I get when I watch both my daughters participate in an adult conversation (with each other, none the less!)
10) The taste of peanut butter on crackers (the best snack in the world)
11) Climbing into a bed with fresh sheets (even if it is by myself :-))
Okay, I only made it to 11...not bad for the first shot!
Here goes:
1) The anticipation of seeing The Boys in a week.
2) A brand new Vanity Fair in my mailbox, just waiting for me to read it cover to cover.
3) The crisp smell of Fall in the air.
4) Those amazing 10 minutes of sleep after I hit the snooze button the first time.
5) Browsing on itunes and finding cool new music. (Now playing: "Cran't Get it Right Today" by Joe Purdy.)
6) Sweet Center's laugh.
7) Sir Toots' linebacker strut.
8) Trip the Cat waiting (impatiently) for her daily Q-tip fix (she likes to play with them-they're like crack to her).
9) The sound of Bonnie Raitt on slide guitar.
10) Sitting at a table at the Claddagh (or anywhere else), with friends, converstaion, laughter, and Strongbow on tap.
11) A day at Elkhart Lake, floating on the water.
12) A brand new episode of "Grey's Anatomy."
13) The Daily Show's Moment of Zen amd The Colbert Report's Word of the Day.
Great idea! I love lists-I'm sort of an addict. Is it okay if I steal this idea for my blog? ;)
Let me think here....
1) Having one of my children climb in my lap just to say I love you.
2)The morning wrestlefest in our room.
3) Not being able to roll over in bed because hubby reached over in his sleep just to snuggle.
4) The latest Nora Roberts or Christine Feehan novel.
5) Watching soccer and flag football on Saturdays.
6) That season when football and basketball overlap. (Go Cowboys and Mavs- this year the Mavs win it all!!!)
7) The drive home at the end of my day from work. I love the alone time between work and the chaos of the evening at home.
8) Having every moment of the weekend tied up just hanging with family.
9) Sitting on the porch swing with a glass of wine at the end of the day after everyone else is in bed.
10) The furrowed brow and waggling finger when the youngest gets a little ticked because I gave her water instead of juice (she's so serious about it)
11) JuJu and her suitcase with all of her dance outfits that MUST go with her just for a quick ride.
12) Watching Power Rangers with Andyrew. (Magical source, Mystic Force!)
13) Just getting to chat with my mom, sister or Donna about not much of anything.
Think that covers part of it, but I ran out of numbers. :)
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