Saturday, November 18, 2006

street lush

You all remember when I scared the neighborhood husbands in my pajamas, right?
Well, evidently I also have the tag as the 'Street Lush'.

We had a surprise party for one of the wives on the street the same night that another girl had an interior decorating party and none of us on the street could make it to both. Just received an email about the catalog for the party and she has invited us all down to for afternoon tea to take a look at the specials that were being offered only to us on. Limited Time Only, of course. Anyway, in her email she said she would open the alcohol cabinet if anyone wanted anything stronger then tea. AND THEN IN PARENTHESIS (..........RACHEL!)

What the hell does that mean?!? Now, I will admit to drinking at neighborhood gatherings, but I swear I could count on one hand the number of times I shouldn't have been behind the wheel of my car in the last year. And Hubba Hubba has always been with me and he never once told me that I was some kind of delinquent who has an issue with alcohol. I haven't been fall down drunk since....well, hell I don't know since when. Probably back when Hubba Hubba and I were dating and I WAS a deliquent who had a problem with alcohol. Not that he drove me to drink or anything. :) It's just been like 10 years since I've been out of control. I have found that the fear that I may get a call about The Boys severly curtails the ability to really let loose.

"Yes, hellllo, doctor. How is my son? Me? Drinking, why no, you silly man. I'm perfectly capapble of making important medical decisions in this state. No, really I'm fine. Please just point me in the right direction and all will be well."

Yea, that would be nice. And totally the fear that I live with whenever I consume more than 1 alcoholic beverage.

Although, I think I may start watching Desperate Housewives so I know how I'm really supposed to behave with my new title. Martini glass in one hand and doggy leash in the other watching the kiddos play in the street makes a nice picture, doesn't it? If I'm going to get the reputation, shouldn't I at least get to enjoy what I'm being accused of? I'm totally kidding. Really I am.

Until The Boys go off to college, I'm going to enjoy my 2 daily beverages in the privacy of my own home. 'Home Lush' has such a nicer ring to it.

*****Please note*****
This is a totally sarcastic post. I often use sarcasm (the lowest level of humor) to handle situations that irritate me. I really don't want to have that kind of reputation. But I don't think there's anything wrong with consuming an alcoholic beverage in front of The Boys. They need to know that everything in moderation is good. Besides, I live in Texas. Ain't nothing but Puritans around here. Except for the friend who sent me the email. We are the ones who do ocassionally enjoy a good mixed drink. We aren't sure about the rest of them.

AND, I know I missed Thursday 13. I tried to come up with 13 reason I like being married. Came up blank. Now, I am kidding. I told Hubba Hubba I was going to write something nasty about him and since he doesn't read this blog he won't ever know. :) We'll see if I get a response to that!

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