Sir Toots has finally realized that Mama is a girl and this means that I have different parts then he does.
Hubba Hubba bought me this great wrap to wear after the shower. It's especially helpful since the bathroom door can't seem to stay closed in the morning. It's like we all must get dressed in the exact same room! 3300+ sq feet in this house and The Boys have to be in our 12X10 bathroom every morning.
Yesterday when I squeezed into our room for a bit of privacy Sir Toots followed me. As I struggle to put on undies with my wrap on he leans over and scrunches up his face. The exact words out of his mouth were, "You don't have a wee-wee. What do you use?" Like I'm defective or something. Well, the only words I could get out were,"well, Mama has a vajayjay and so I don't need a wee-wee." This works for a bit and then he says," but how does that work for you?"
Well, heck. I know I'm supposed to use the real techincal term and so I sit down and tell him that Mama has a 'vagina' and that means I'm a girl. He's starting to understand but is still a little confused. As he looks at me his eyes wander down and the next question out of his mouth is,"What are those things? Daddy and I don't have circles like you."
Yes, ladies and gentleman, the child is turning into a regular Sherlock Holmes seeking out answers to the toughest questions. I add that my breasts (man, I so wanted to call 'em boobs!) are another thing that girls have that boys don't. and then quickly squirm away back into the bathroom.
Well, damn, he follows me....and asks what "those" are for. Hubba Hubba looks at me out of the corner of his eye while he quietly irons his shirt and waits for my answer. Did the man offer to assist? Did he step in and help me gain a little dignity? No, sir, he did not! He stood there with a gleam in his eye and michevious grin on his face waiting for the words of wisdom that I'm supposed to dish up while half dressed and barely awake. So I'm out here on my own with this one and so I tell Sir Toots that breasts are for feeding babies. This works until he wants to touch them. He reaches over and gives me a really good feeling-up! OOOhhhhh, now I'm totally so done with this conversation. I look at him and tell him, "Girls have vajayjays and boys have wee-wees. It's different parts for each but they do the same thing, like help us go potty."
Luckily this answer works for him. He steps away from me and picks up Baby Jaguar and starts to put on his underwear. He turns and looks at me. With his wee-wee hanging out he says, "Look at my boy wee-wee! Mama doesn't have one!" Evidently this makes him superior to girls.
Boy, do I have my work cut out for me.
Speaking of conversations to be had, SweetCenter was talking to me during the holidays about bedwetting, etc. & mentioned sometimes he wakes up in the morning & his undies are wet, BUT HE DID NOT WET THE BED. Good talk for Dad to have with him about now, don't you agree??
boys always think because they have a "wewe" they are superior to girls....too bad they are so disillusioned!
SweetCenter surely isn't old enough to have this right now is he????
well, I did buy a book today just to check on ages and it appears that Sweet Center is not yet at the age to have this happen quite yet. We get until about 12 before this apparently starts to happen. We did try to talk to him about it and basically he does think he's wetting the bed. Hopefully he doesn't hit puberty early!!
Amen to that.
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