2) A husband who is supportive and doesn't think I'm too nuts!
3) Boys who still love to wrestle and cuddle.
4) Friends who will help me move a couch just because I want a new look in the living room.
5) Unlimited Opportunities!
6) Friends who have great blogs to remind to stay focused on the good in this life.
7) Finding a psychologist for Sir Toots who doesn't want to slap a label on him UNTIL we have turned over every rock and looked at all the possibilities. We have a meeting with him next week and he wants to focus on behavior modification before we do anything related to ADHD. I'm not denying a problem....I just want to make sure that we are really looking at the big picture and not just looking for a quick fix.
8) Boys who make good choices.
9) Boys who don't complain (too much!) when they realize they made a bad choice.
10) The ability to recognize that The Boys need to make choices for themselves so that when they grow up they can make good choices without a lot of effort.
I already love the psychologist for Sir Toots. I agree there is no rush to label a child with or without anything. A reasoned, researched approach will yield the true answer; which in turn will provoke the best possible solution.
And hurray for Sir Toots!
Ah Sir Toots is his own special person and the psychologist will help with finding out what is going on with him.
And Sweet Center...well look at him! In 4th grade and doing extremely well!
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