"Only you..."
That's what Hubba Hubba said to me yesterday after we left the neurologists office.
So, there's a couple of possible causes for my headaches at this point. But, the one that the doc really picked up on and is agressively pursuing is an interior tear in the arteries in my neck. From a frickin' bad massage. Seriously.
We went to this gorgeous B&B for my birthday and started out the weekend with a couples massage. Unfortunately I got the man who went all gung-ho in rubbing down my tissues and turning them into chopped meat. I politely asked him to stop pushing my shoulder blades through my body and into the table about halfway through the massage. Headaches started that weekend and have been present ever since. As Hubba Hubba said yesterday, "Only you would get a brain injury from a massage."
Evidently there's literature that details this phenomenon and I'm not the first person to get a bad massage from Attila the Hun. Who knew?
The fear is that the interior tear could stretch and lead to my artery opening up...which could lead to a blood clot...and then bang, I'm dead once it hits my brain. Sounds serious to me. I really like living.
So, I had an MRI and we'll get results shortly. I have a follow up visit on Monday and we'll know more then. Until then, I get to eat turkey, cuddle with My Boys, and basically lounge about. Hubba Hubba is all attentive and loving me up every chance he gets.
I don't want to have brain surgery....but, I'll take the loving!
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