Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Touched by a....

well, there's not really any nice way to say this....Sir Toots has issues with his poops. I got the word today that the tests are normal and he just has a bit of blockage that is causing the tummy problems.

So, off we go to Walgreen's to pick up one of those special medicines that goes in the special place. I wait for Hubba Hubba to come home and help me. No way am I doing this one by myself. :)

Sir Toots is quite apprehensive until Hubba Hubba tells him that he has medicine will make his tummy feel better. It just needs to "go into his butt." This comment elicits a chuckle from Sir Toots.

His reponse? "Yes, but the medicine is dirty. It's been touched by my poop."

and then he finishes with,"Can I please have my pants back? I need to eat dinner like a man."

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