Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

May your heart be full and surrounded by loving friends and family today.

If you have that, then in the immortal words of the great Chris Isaak, the rest is just pretty wrapping!!

God Bless you and yours.

Friday, December 22, 2006

13 Things I Want The Boys to Learn

13. How to really be friends with each other
12. How to give and receive love unconditionally
11. That life happens one day at a time
10. This means that you should enjoy something special in everyday
9. And that you shouldn't worry too much about what's going to happen b/c you have to roll with the punches anyway
8. That they are loved so much by so many people that it's a bit ridiculous
7. To follow their Father's example and grow into wonderful husband's and men of their own
6. Patience in all things
5. How to really laugh
4. That the companionship of a good dog is an amazing gift
3. To take responsibility for their actions
2. That faith is a personal and individual thing but they must decide what they truly believe, otherwise they will be like ships in a storm being swayed by every wind of opinion
1. That Hubba Hubba and I will love them beyond reason no matter what they say or do for their entire lives

I'm learning to really appreciate what treasures The Boys are to me and the things they teach me everyday are unbelievable. Whether it's an sweet gentle hug from Sweet Center just b/c he knows I need one or a silly giggle and a joke from Sir Toots, I only hope to pass along some of the wisdom they have shown me.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


They're on the loose!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

The finish line is in sight!

Almost have gift buying wrapped up! Hubba Hubba and I finally sat down last night and listed out item by item what we have purchased so far for each one of The Boys. Sadly, Sweet Center's pile is twice the size of Sir Toots. I just haven't come across as much stuff that I know he will really like. Good news is that we did some serious brain wracking and I think we have it covered.

But, you know what I found out yesterday? Toys R Us is actually open until 12 midnight. No wimpy 10pm for them. I laughed and asked Hubba Hubba who the hell would be at Toys R Us at midnite?

Oh yes, that would be me after our brainstorming session.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

This week it's what I love about the holidays in Texas:

13. It's 60 outside so all the children can go out and play!
12. All the lights are up on our street and it looks a Winter Wonderland. Did I mention it's 60 outside? Yes, well...that means we can WALK to look at all the lights.
11.The main holiday theme here is "Cowboy Christmas". Have you ever seen Santa in a ten gallon hat and spurs? It's very cute on top of the big tree by the big mall.
10. There's a sale at every store at the big mall and that means I can actually get all the presents The Boys have asked Santa for this year.
9. The friendly people at my local Toys R Us. I'm not kidding! They have been so helpful when I've been looking at stuff. One told me to come in at 8 this morning to check on the scooter that Sweet Center REALLY wants. He offered to give me his number and told me that I could call if I couldn't make it in and he would hold one for me.
8. The man in the neighborhood down the street has the most amazing display of lights synched to carols. It's the coolest thing to The Boys grinning as the watch it. And you know, since it's so warm we can roll down the windows in the car. That's nice.
7. I really do think that people are nicer here. I haven't had any issues with out of control shoppers. It's almost weird how polite everyone is being.
6. I believe the warm weather deserves another mention. :)
5. Being close to family. We get to see my 'country kin' this weekend and I hear Uncle Pete has oiled up all the machinery and the horses are ready for rides on the ranch. The Boys are going to have so much fun! Where else but the country can a 9 year old drive a truck that says "Texas Department of Mental Health and Retardation"? I'm so not kidding on this! It's hilarious to see Sweet Center behind the wheel with that emblem on the door!!
4. Listening to the all Christmas music station. It's total carols all the time.
3. Working on our list of things to do every night between now and Christmas. Baking cookies and watching a Christmas movie are on for tomorrow night. Sunday we are making our cards. It helps to get in the spirit since there is no snow on the ground.
2. Knowing that this coming year is going to be even better than 2006- Hubba Hubba has promised me a true vacation for our anniversary. I know it doesn't really have anything to do Texas Christmas, but it makes me happy to think about.
1. Being with The Boys as the watch boxes get unloaded from the UPS truck and realizing that they are presents from Grammy and Gramps! Oh boy!
Me: It looks like we're moving!
Sir Toots: We're Winners! Look at our prize. Everyone else is Losers!
Nice holiday spirit deep in the heart of Texas, huh? :)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The most wonderful time of the year~

We sent our emails to Santa tonight. Yes, I know it's terribly sad that we send emails and not an actual letter. But this site is really cool and you get an immediate response back from Santa! His letter mentions the items you requested and even a personal story from him. The magic of programming is an awesome site to behold through the eyes of a child!

We checked The Boys against the Naughty and Nice list. Sweet Center scores a B+ and Sir Toots is currently carrying an A- (because he keeps his room cleaner he scored a bit better than his brother! :)) The good news is that they were both told that if they work really hard over 'the next 12 sleeps' then they would definitely make the Nice list! I was worried when we started because we ended up at some generic site that just randomly assigned you to one of the lists and Sir Toots didn't register on the Nice list. Fortunately he can't read and I was able to close the window before Sweet Center read the whole page to him. Sir Toots was unbelievably sad when he heard he wasn’t on the Nice list. I was not quite prepared for the wailing and gnashing of teeth that occurred, but I told him that it was a site run by bad elves and wasn’t officially sanctioned by the big guy. I will admit to using the lists to my advantage and convincing them to help me gather up all the trash! I told them it would help with their points in the last days before Christmas. I’ve never seen ‘em move so fast! We then found the best site and answered a few questions. Santa said he needed us to answer the questions so that he would know if The Boys were being honest with him since he already knew how they were behaving. Totally the most clever thing I’ve ever seen!

I've been a bit worried about Sweet Center because he's been asking round about questions about Santa and I really thought we were sunk this year. But, luckily I do believe that this site saved the innocence of the season for him. Sitting with a calm Sir Toots in my lap and Sweet Center reading his letter out loud with a glow on his face, I know it made me believe again.

Monday, December 11, 2006

So, you come here often?

Hello. Do you remember me? Well, I've been a bit wrapped up and while I haven't forgotten that I have a blog, I have just forgotten what it means to have time to write for one. :) I haven't had anything witty or silly to share. Well, that's not true...I have, I just haven't had time to put it down. I FINALLY finished my final for school. I'm taking one frickin' class and it totally kicked my ass. Working, having kids, being a wife and trying to maintain a fairly decent grade for school has been extremely hard. Add in the mess I got myself into with work and it's been one helluva party. I made the stupid mistake of thinking that I could trust someone who I work with. I shared that I was looking at ways to earn a little extra cash and was working part time. Well, this translated to my boss that I was working part time for her and then spending my other days eating bon bons and working 2 days a week at another gig. Well, wouldn't that be nice? I would love to be able to do that. Unfortunately I can't. and really unfortunately this coworker took her misinterpretation of our conversation to my boss who totally overreacted. I'm now in deep trouble and even though another person who was privvy to the conversation backs me up, I'm still required to account for my time between the hours of 8am to 5pm. Now, I know that I can't bitch because many people are required to work solid during this time, but it's one of the perks of my job. I have autonomy during the day. I work and accomplish what I need to, but my job certainly doesn't lend itself to hour by hour accountability. Well, at least it didn't until last Tuesday. My worksheet details my time and I just have to suck it up "until further notice."

So, between that and comparing and contrasting the leadership styles of King Saul and King David, my brain is totally fried.
I do believe that I have 2 weeks until Christmas. This is good, because I have to do my shopping for The Boys. I think Toys R Us is open until 10pm and I just may have to take advantage of this extended time to get it done. And really, the hardest part is that we are trying to do Christmas with cash. No VISA for us this year. We tried it last year and it sorta worked. Hopefully this year we can be successful and enjoy January.

So, I promise to come up with something witty in the next few days. I really do. Besides, I'm finally done with my class. I haven't talked myself into signing up for another one in the Spring. I think I will in the next few days, but for now I'm holding off. Tomorrow I shall enjoy the peace of no class. A few of us are talking about getting together for margarita's. That definitely sounds like something I can find time for.

***Update on Sweet Center's basketball***
He's doing AWESOME! He has the best shot on the team and they are really and truly working their butts off on offensive plays and defensive manuevers. It's fun to watch them win! I don't have the humming in my belly that I get at a playoff Mavs games, but it's pretty darn close so far!