Tuesday, June 12, 2007


A little ice, some TLC, and a visit from the Tooth Fairy makes a sore heel all better. Fortunately Sweet Center doesn’t seem to have any long-term injuries and he will live to play another day.

And Mom? Well, a good kiss, a warm bath and an early bedtime helps with a fresh perspective. Things really aren’t that rough, it just seems to be sometimes. And if a girl can’t complain to the Internet, then what does she have left in this world?

Sir Toots and I are off to a baseball game today. It should be super fun! Sweet Center is spending the day with a friend celebrating his birthday at a local waterpark. Totally right up his alley.

I think that I’m going to try and compromise on this whole career thing. I just might look into continuing my business career and then volunteer with a special group. There’s an ADD group here in Dallas that is apparently pretty active and this would enable us to spend time with kids and their families, while learning a bit about how to help us as a family cope with the changes that come along with being a Tweener with ADD.

Did you know that Sweet Center is considered a Tweener? He’s not really a kid anymore and yet he’s not a teenager. He’s in between, thus he’s considered a Tweener. It’s difficult to put into words the subtle changes he’s going through right now. The next stage of development is so different from what he’s been through before. His childlike responses aren’t always appropriate now and yet he’s still now sure how to be “all adult” about something. It’s a learning process on what’s acceptable behavior and what isn’t.

Hey, I think I might be a Tweener, too! Can I claim that title??

"Queen Tweener!~"

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