Thursday, April 12, 2007

It's for real

Sir Toots is offically starting kindergarten in the Fall. I took all the paperwork by today and it was a fairly painless process. Until I walked out of the school and realized that my little baby is really getting big. Kindergarten! It's a big step! He's so excited and can't wait to go to school with Sweet Center.

It's poor Mama that's having the problem with it! :)

My poor little biological clock is so not happy right now. It's shouting! for another baby. But, alas, it's not happening and so I guess I'll just have to baby the puppies and hope that will suffice.

and hug and love on the two big boys that I have. Sweet Center won't let me kiss him unless we're at home now. I can't bribe him or anything. No kisses! That's the rule.

Man, oh man, that happened fast!! It's cliche, but, I do have to ask where the time went......


Anonymous said...

just wait just keeps on going and going and going....and before you know it they are 31! (almost 32) With children of their own!


Anonymous said...

...and, while they still love you lots, there is someone else who they can't live without. This will make you so very happy...and so very sad. It's all so bittersweet. Life moves on whether we want it to or not.

Anonymous said...

I had the same thoughts this past year when my oldest went to kindergarten. I still don't know where the last six years have gone. Sometimes i wish I could freeze time and just enjoy them as they are a little longer.