Tuesday, November 18, 2008

3 days

Every year, the fifth- graders at Sweet Center's school go spend 3 days at PineCove. It's this great camp out in East Texas where I spent a memorable week the summer before I started fifth grade. It is true camping with counselors, cabins, rowing, and dirt.

Sweet Center leaves tomorrow. Neither one of us can sleep! He's so excited, you can feel the energy coming off his body in waves. I can't sleep because I finally noticed on the list of items to bring that they included a list of items NOT TO BRING. And cell phones were on it.

Seriously? They expect me to go 3 days without talking to Sweet Center? Hubba Hubba has tried to point out that technically it's only 1 day, since I'll see him tomorrow morning before he leaves and then on Friday when we pick him up.

But, what he doesn't understand is that I need that time before he goes to bed to wrap up our day. The bestest funnest part of the day is when I get them from after-school care. But my ultimate and most favorites part is when it's just me and one of My Boys laying in their bed talking about their day or just randomly talking about stuff. Granted, it usually veers toward a discussion of Pokemon cards or every little boys favorite topic, farting, but it's still our time.

So, it may just be Thursday that I don't get to hear Sweet Center's voice and the sound of him desperately trying to avoid blowing his nose by snorting to high-heaven, I will miss our bedtime chats.

Eh, who am I kidding? It's not like he'd talk to me on his cell phone anyway. Not around his buddies. And that's the part I'm struggling with, the growing up part.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Three days is a long time when he is out in the big world, just him and 50 other people who don't love him like you do. Every step away from you is traumatic; even if it is the goal you are working toward -an independant being...sob