Saturday, January 20, 2007

No, The Stepford's no longer live at this address

Change is in the air around here. I have to make a major decision and at the same time make sure that Hubba Hubba is on board with the new status. I'm excited about the opportunities, but I know that he's not the risk taker that I am and he just wants to make sure that we will be able to feed The Boys and still put shoes on their feet. Hey, no problem there. I like shoes on my feet, too. Oh, and food. I really like food. I just like shoes a lot more. But, The Boys, I understand, they gotta eat. So, I'll keep plugging in the numbers and trying to figure out what I can do to make this a rational and responsible change. We'll see what's in store over the next few weeks. I just want to be in control of my future and feel that my contribution is worth all the work and time.

As for The Boys, we met with Sweet Center's teacher yesterday. Can I tell you how much I love this woman? I don't think we have ever had a teacher who totally "gets" him and what kind of kid he really is. It's so amazing to hear her say that she sees his tender side and understands his thinking process in the classroom. Pass some of that understanding this way, please because I don't understand his thinking process at home! :) Luckily she got the joke and told me that he just needs a little more attention and direction in the classroom, but that's he is so smart that sometimes it's frustrating for both of them. Evidently the whole gist of the problem is that Sweet Center just wants to finish. No particular reason why. He just wants to be done and on to the next thing, whatever it may be. So, this means that he's not reading the directions and being really sloppy when he does complete the work. I figure this means that he's destined to be a physician, but I don't think that will really happen if he has to repeat the 3rd grade! I hear medical schools are still picky about grades and those kinds of things. Anywhoo, our solution is to offer up rewards at home that will get his juices flowing. He is responsible for accurately completing his work and then having his teacher sign his calendar at the end of the day. If he gets a check and a + then he's given a 30 minute reward on one of his gaming systems at home. If not, then no games and no TV. (I gues this reward would make sense if you knew that Hubba Hubba and I don't currently allow any games or TV (except Mavs games) during the school week- See we feel that deprivation is the best way to make them tow the line.) A wonderful friend of mine suggested that we actually reward him and see what that gets us. It's a totally great idea and the fact that neither one of us thought of it means that we are so not qualified for this job!

As for Sir his Auntie Zeus says, 'he's an island unto himself.' I talked to his teacher about cutting him slack on his current shortage of the 'urge to please' in the classroom. I mean, really I get it. I know he needs to behave and be kind and say 'Please' and 'Thank you' at the appropriate times, but can we please remember that we're not raising the Stepford Clan? Hubba Hubba and I have talked with him and role played (yes, we really do the cheesy role play thing in our house) on how to get along with others. He knows what he needs to do. Being four and all just sometimes gets in the way. But, have no fear...we are on the lookout for his Urge to Please. If you find it, please return it. It really would be nice to have a totally compliant glassy eyed child in the house. Maybe the toy room would stay clean. :)

Stay warm outside! It's a frickin' ridiculous 37 degrees here! I think someone needs to remind ole' Mother Nature that this is Texas- not Wisconsin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Urge to Please is SO overrated. If it wouldn't get me in trouble, I'd tell Sir Toots to say, "Dude! I'm an island!" whenever someone questions his urge to please. (Or, as we often say with my roommate, Sara, "The please was implied.") If I had lost MY Urge to Please a looooong time ago, I can't begin to tell you how much happier I'd have been. But, seriously, maybe they've just stopped giving him reasons to want to please. It's a two-way street.
As for Sweet, he's sweet. 'Course, he reminds me of me, so...;) Rewards are probably good. Ya gotta have a goal-especially when it comes to pesky things like reading directions. (Mind you, I always read the directions-because my Urge to Please was waaay out of whack, but I always wanted to be DONE, so I get that.)
Anyhoo, babbling here. When do we get more details about this Big Decision?