Wednesday, January 24, 2007

That's the sound of 3 Boys exhaling....

The stress level in our house just dropped by about 20+ points because a decision has just finally been made and Mama's not doing 2 things at once anymore. I figure that puts us right above 'Normal' and somewhere below 'Crazy'.

That's right, boys and girls, I quit my job today. YEA!! I don't want to get into the specifics of what led me to this decision, but I do want to say that 2007 is going to be a good year for our family! No more relying on other people to decide what to pay me, now I work and then I get paid for what I produce. It's a big decision and one that we have been bouncing around for a few months. Hubba Hubba and I finally sat down this past weekend and punched in some numbers. It will work!~ and it will allow me to spend more time with The Boys.

I'm very excited! and I have to say a huge Thank You to Hubba Hubba for believing that I can do this! Or in his words, 'if I didn't believe you could do it then I never would have let you try'. :) That's faith! or something. But this should be fun!


Anonymous said...

You go girl!

Anonymous said...

We are very happy for you, Matt and the boys. We can only imagine how difficult it must be to work at a stressful job outside the home with two growing children.
Aunt Kerry & Uncle Gene